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P2P Improvement Feedback

At Fundraise Up, we're continuously working to improve our P2P functionality to serve your needs better. We would appreciate your feedback on what's missing in our platform that would encourage you to use our P2P.

📝 Which of the following features would be crucial for you to make the switch to our P2P functionality? Please only select the features that would be vital for your organization.

📝 Which of the following features would be crucial for you to make the switch to our P2P functionality? Please only select the features that would be vital for your organization.

Other, please specify

What platform do you currently use to manage P2P fundraising? Please share the features you appreciate the most and those you find least favorable.

Any other feedback or comments?

Please provide your name and email so that we can follow up if applicable.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We truly appreciate your support and partnership!